How Metro Solutions And Digital Signage Can Help You to Sell Your Products

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How Digital Signage Can Help You to Sell Your Products

Retail is always looking for new ways to make selling products easier. Products can’t sell themselves and that is where Digital Signage can come in to assist. Digital Signage is transforming how products are sold in public spaces. The wide variety of displays from the beautiful Android Advertising Displays, Ultra High Brightness Monitors for window displays to smaller Point of Sale (POS) Displays for queues and payment areas to name a few can create a cohesive and exciting signage solution for retail stores. But how exactly can Digital Signage help you to promote and sell your products?

Digital Signage is a more modern alternative solution to printed signage as it allows you to say and do much more than what was possible before. Printed signs are stuck in their catatonic state from the moment they are displayed. They are not dynamic so do not change until the poster itself is changed. With only the one canvas there is a finite amount of information that can be displayed at one time. Digital Signage however is designed to never be static for too long and can allow you to display as much information as you want about a product. From multiple scrolling images to videos to even live web sites; Digital Signage gives you the canvas to sell your product in a much more vibrant way.

The static state of print made it difficult to really grab customer’s attention. No matter how many bright colours are used or how large the fonts are there is a rigid flatness to printed signage that customers have come to tune out. When Digital Signage is in motion and the content is constantly changing it is impossible for customers not to pay attention to the screen. You can also give customers more reason to look at your screens. One of Digital Signage’s major strengths is the way it can be quickly updated. So instead of bombarding mindless irrelevant advertising at customers, give customers a tangible reason to buy now by promoting up-to-the-minute deals and sales while they are in the store. Create a sense of urgency and the possibility of a deal that is only available at the time they are in store.

Digital Signage can also help to strongly convey your brand message/ideals while also massively helping to set the atmosphere of your retail stores. Remember Digital Signage is YOUR opportunity to speak directly to customers. There are no rules to what you can and can’t display. From energetic and animated product videos to demure and sophisticated typography based images. Digital Signage allows you to project your brand’s voice in the way you want.

There is a fine art to selling products and it is something that can be constantly tweaked and updated. For example the marketing team have created two different posters for your new product that you are getting in store. Instead of limiting yourselves Digital Signage give you the opportunity to test both out and monitor the sales reaction. This kind of live feedback is invaluable to retailers and can help influence future advertising and marketing decisions.

Think of Digital Signage as an extra salesperson out on the shop floor. It works tirelessly 24/7 to help sell your product. It also a more long term cost effective solution when compared to print signage. Instead of the extortionate costs associated with having to get new signs printed and delivered to multiple locations when you want to update your signs. Digital Signage allows you to create a network of dynamic commercial displays that are connected to the internet though a CMS (Content Management System). This allows you to update your screens almost instantly at just the push of a button. This also allows the shop floor to work more efficiently as the constant hassle of hanging and removing signs is eliminated; allowing your staff members to concentrate on selling products.

Retail stores, no matter what they sell, have started to recognise what an important tool this can be when trying to sell. The versatility it allows lets retailers present products at their best to consumers. Retail stores have been trying to fight back against the lure of online shopping and have to think of new and exciting ways to sell when customers leave their houses. Digital Signage is the most effective and dynamic method of promoting products in any retail space.

Source : Tom Rock

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