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metro solutions people flow control management

People Flow Control Management Solutions

Accurate, Efficient & Cost-effective


Are you looking for a solution to manage social distancing in public buildings, commercial office / premises or retail environments?

Metro Solutions and Dahua launch the People Counting & Flow Control solution which is the Accurate and Cost-effective retail solution designed for when the lockdown ends and we go forward to a new normal.

Due to the Coronavirus ( COVID-19) outbreak in the last few weeks the world has changed in how we go about our daily lives. Everything from the way we shop, go to work or even how we will socialise.

More and more and everywhere we go we are beginning to see that public spaces have been putting measures in place to enforce the social distancing rules, with some quite strict rules on people flow, including maximum capacities in a particular area, and futher more many are operating a policy of ‘one in, one out’ a certain capacity is reached. 

In many instances these measures are put in place and operated by staff, leading to not only not only an additional cost but also puts your staff at risk of being in contact with large numbers of the public.

The biggest headache for businesses and public environments going forward is to reduce the amount of social interaction to a minimum and reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 ,maybe other infections through cross-contamination to employees, officials and members of the public.

This solution allows for small-medium shops and outlets to remain open and in business while continnuing to follow regulations and COVOD-19 health and safety measures, reducing infection risks and increasing brand and customer confidence.

Solution and industries

 At present these are the solutions specifically for Ireland and the UK

The People Flow Control Management solutions have been installed in the following sectors.

 ·       The NHS

·       Hospitals

·       Health Care facilities 

·       Airports

·       Railway Stations

·       Pharmaceutical industries 

·       Manufacturing

·       Warehousing

  •  Multinational HQ

  • Supermarkets and shopping centres

  • Sports centres and health clubs

The Metro Solutions People Counting & Flow Control Management is an innovative solution designed to count visitor numbers, manage and analyse the flow of people entering and exiting stores, offices or public buildings.

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Metro Solutions Are The People Flow Control Management Specialists In Ireland

If you require a free site survey and quotation please call us and we will send our experienced installers to go through your requirements and recommend what is the best solution for you.

Call Metro Solutions On 021 4341123